Denver Community Upgraded with Ranch Rail

Denver Community Upgraded with Ranch Rail

Natures Composites recently partnered with Split Rail Fence Company for a large-scale installation of our modern three-board ranch rail fence at the Ladera community in Denver. This collaboration resulted in a stunning upgrade for the neighborhood, with our Rosewood-colored fencing blending into the natural landscape and complementing the architectural style of the homes. The rich tones of the Rosewood finish enhance the curb appeal of the properties while providing a clear and stylish perimeter throughout the entire community.

This project was significant in scope, provide security and privacy for the residents of Ladera. Despite the size, the installation was straightforward, thanks to the quality of our materials and the expertise of local contractors. The local installation team noted how easy it was to work with our ranch rail system. “This fencing system was one of the easiest we’ve installed,” shared a spokesperson. “It went up quickly, and the quality of the materials was evident from the start.”

In keeping with our commitment to sustainability, the three-board ranch rail is made from Natures Composites' patented wheat-based composite formula. This low-maintenance material offers long-lasting color and requires no seasonal upkeep, making it the perfect fit for communities like Ladera that value both style and environmental responsibility.

The collaboration with Split Rail Fence Company is another example of how Natures Composites continues to provide solutions that combine durability, beauty, and sustainability. We’re proud to have contributed to this project and look forward to more opportunities to enhance communities with our innovative fencing solutions. Visit to browse our products!

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